National Hydration Day

Did you know water makes up 60% of the adult human body?

Yea - water is just about our most essential need, so it's no wonder there’s a national day dedicated to it. June 23rd, National Hydration Day, reminds us of the importance of drinking water and staying hydrated. Every year this day falls on the first week of Summer, when it is even more crucial to our health and safety to drink water.

Temperatures are rising, and while the lucky few head to the pool, many must work in the heat. No matter your whereabouts, it’s important to stay hydrated in the scorching summer temps. Many duties can put a worker at risk of heat exposure, such as:

While specialized PPE and frequent breaks help, staying hydrated is the most important safety precaution you can take. Advise your workers to drink 5-7 ounces of fluids every 15 to 20 minutes. This aids in replenishing lost body fluids - avoiding dehydration. For those who don’t like the taste of water, liquid mix-ins (i.e., LiquidIV) can add fruity flavor while still allowing your body to benefit from the fluids.

Drinking enough water to prevent thirst, beginning work well-hydrated, and eating balanced meals can help you and your workers get through hot summer days safely. Taking care of yourself and your workers by encouraging healthy water intake, not just today but every day, is the best way to celebrate National Hydration Day - so get out there and drink some water!

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Our team of Safety and Loss Prevention experts will partner with you to identify, evaluate, and address specific risks in your workplace that could lead to heat stress or dehydration.