World Mental Health Day - October 10, 2022

Make Mental Health and Well-being
for all a Global Priority


Did you know?

Anxiety and depressive disorders cost the US upwards of $325 billion yearly.

Each year, millions are diagnosed with mental illness. Yet the stigma surrounding mental health is still so prevalent. This year, World Mental Health Day aims to break the stigma and foster a world in which mental health is valued, promoted, and protected. Especially in the workplace, mental health issues have become increasingly more prevalent after the pandemic. So much so that out of the billions of dollars spent due to mental health disorders, 61% of that cost is exclusively due to lost productivity. In other words, businesses are hemorrhaging money due to a lack of proper support for employees.

Without an emphasis on mental health and well-being, workplaces are increasingly seeing turnover due to burnout. A recent study shows that last year 52% of U.S. workers claimed to be actively suffering from burnout. Burnout often leads to turnover, but in many cases, it actually causes safety issues due to fatigue or apathy. Employers must understand just how important good mental health is in the workplace, and that starts with a little education. So, without further ado, let’s explore how we can celebrate today and make a difference for tomorrow.

How to get involved

This day provides an opportunity for the educated to, well, educate and for the rest of us to soak up as much knowledge as possible. Mental illness affects virtually all aspects of life, but a great place to start is where many people spend most of their time: the workplace.

A better tomorrow

Remember, mental health is health. People are less productive when they are unhealthy – regardless of the job. Mental health takes a real toll on the body – anxiety and depression can lead to everything from fatigue to ulcers. Mental health is not something to take lightly, and any efforts made to improve it in the workplace will reap benefits. Whatever you choose to do today, keep doing it; Keep the conversations going; Stick to your self-care remedies. As with any healthcare regime, consistency drives improvement. So join us as we strive to make mental health and well-being a priority for all, today and every day.


Mental Health Resources